Opacità / Traslucenza / Trasparenza
Verso una fenomenologia del corpo
Seminario di danza condotto da Marie-Thérèse Sitzia
dal 12 al 17 giugno 2012 dalle ore 10.00 alle 17.00
ScugnizzArt Teatro Via rampe Giancarlo Siani 2, Napoli
Foto di Daniele Vita
Verso una fenomenologia del corpo
Seminario di danza condotto da Marie-Thérèse Sitzia
dal 12 al 17 giugno 2012 dalle ore 10.00 alle 17.00
ScugnizzArt Teatro Via rampe Giancarlo Siani 2, Napoli
Foto di Daniele Vita
Cycle of meetings of dance led by Marie-Thérèse Sitzia
Opacity Translucency Transparency
towards a phenomenology of the body
The work investigates the body as a primary entity, primordial matter that you watch in an occurrence. The study starts from the awerness of the body as a living-envelope, a microcosm of the macrocosm, that alternates in space and time, modifying them. An attitude of holding and expressing the crisis to leave a natural body stripped of its clothes. A body exposed that with all its passion and its despair becomes phenomenon, sacrificial lamb. The first part of the daily work is focused on building the body, the second part on the dance. The theme is: Opacity / Translucency / Transparency.
The seminar is for actors, dancers and performers, even beginners, who want to investigate the presence in a performative act. Suggested cloths: shirt, sweater, socks and sport paints.
Opacity Translucency Transparency
Physical laws of light on objects, bodies, materials
We can separate 1 / 2 / 3 or create a process 1-2-3 or reverse the reverse 3-2-1
This last part is the line of direction I have chosen for the performance open to the public.
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